Saturday, June 29, 2019

Welcome to the Trout Lake Run. This run is put on by the students and staff at Trout Lake School. It has become an event enjoyed by the entire community and beyond. The course is relatively flat with stunning views of Mt. Adams and the valley's farmlands. The 5K and 10Ks are perfect for families and their dogs; while the half-marathon (which circumnavigates the valley) makes an excellent early spring run.

This run also serves as a key fundraiser for the school. 100% of the proceeds go to the school to create opportunities for the students to
embark on adventurous service-learning experiences beyond the shadow of the mountain. In the past years, students have been able stretch their wings and travel beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone, learn, and serve in the Navajo Nation of Arizona, the delicate ecosystem of Catalina Island, the islands of Hawaii, and desert highlands of Eastern Oregon.

We look forward to sharing our little valley with you this spring. Come up and run with us!

You can register for the Trout Lake Run at UltraSignup:
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 25, 2020.